Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, like many other urban centers, is grappling with the rising concerns of marijuana addiction. In the heart of Southeastern PA, the demand for effective marijuana rehabilitation has never been more pressing. As awareness grows about the detrimental impacts of prolonged marijuana use, Philadelphians are seeking quality treatment options in their vicinity.

Interestingly, marijuana is the most commonly used federally illegal drug in the United States, with 48.2 million people, or about 18% of Americans, having used it at least once in 2019. Even more staggering is the realization that 55 million Americans reported using marijuana within the past year, a number surpassing active tobacco smokers by an astounding 50.68%. While marijuana usage sees such high numbers, the repercussions are alarming.

Long-term or frequent marijuana use has been connected to an increased risk of psychosis or schizophrenia in certain users. Moreover, studies indicate that 9% of marijuana users develop a dependence on the drug, a statistic that jumps to 17% for those who start in their teens. The urgency of the situation in Philadelphia and the broader U.S. cannot be understated.

UNISON Rehab: Your Solution for Marijuana Rehab in Philadelphia, PA

UNISON Rehab stands out in the Philadelphia area as an in-network treatment center dedicated to addressing the diverse challenges posed by marijuana addiction. Our comprehensive treatment suite covers every phase of recovery:

  • Marijuana Detox: To cleanse the system, paving the path to recovery.
  • Specialized Therapy Sessions: Tailored interventions to address the unique dependencies associated with marijuana.

Understanding Marijuana Addiction: A Deeper Dive

Marijuana, though often perceived as a milder drug compared to others, can have profound effects on users, leading to both short-term and long-term consequences. Delving deeper into its impact helps us better appreciate the gravity of marijuana addiction and the need for specialized treatment:

Short-term effects:
  • Impaired Memory: Soon after consuming marijuana, individuals may experience difficulty recalling recent events. The active component, THC, affects the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for forming memories.

  • Altered Judgment: Marijuana can impair cognitive functions, leading users to make decisions they might not consider when sober. This altered state can result in risky behaviors, such as driving under the influence or engaging in unsafe activities.

  • Sensory Distortion: Marijuana is known to heighten senses and distort perceptions. Sounds might be louder, colors more vivid, and time may seem to slow down, which can be disorienting.

  • Panic and Anxiety: Not everyone reacts to marijuana positively. For some, it can trigger episodes of panic or heightened anxiety, leading to an uncomfortable and often frightening experience.

Long-term effects:
  • Reduced Cognitive Abilities: Chronic marijuana use can have lasting effects on the brain, particularly when consumption begins at a young age. Users might struggle with tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and attention.

  • Respiratory Issues: Similar to tobacco, smoking marijuana can harm the lungs, leading to chronic bronchitis symptoms and other respiratory issues. Over time, this can significantly affect one’s overall health and quality of life.

  • Development of a Dependency: Regular marijuana use can lead to a psychological and, in some cases, physical dependency. This means that individuals might feel a need to consume the drug to function normally or to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

  • Altered Brain Development in Younger Users: Studies have shown that marijuana can affect brain development in adolescents, leading to changes in areas related to impulse control, mood, and reward.

Marijuana addiction is multifaceted, with both immediate and lasting repercussions. Recognizing these effects is essential for understanding the importance of intervention and the role of dedicated facilities like UNISON Rehab in providing specialized care.

Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction: Recognizing the Red Flags

When it comes to marijuana addiction, early detection can make a significant difference in the recovery process. Recognizing these signs is the first step to seeking intervention:

Physical symptoms:
Bloodshot Eyes

A classic sign post-consumption due to the expansion of blood vessels.

Increased Heart Rate

Marijuana can cause tachycardia, or a rapid heartbeat, for up to three hours after consumption.

Dry Mouth

Often referred to as “cottonmouth”, this is a common side effect of THC activation.

Mental symptoms:
Impaired Memory

Difficulty in recalling recent events or conversations.

Difficulty in Thinking

Challenges in maintaining a linear train of thought or problem-solving.


Unwarranted feelings of being watched or targeted.

Behavioral symptoms:
Increased Consumption

Needing more marijuana to achieve the same high.

Avoiding Responsibilities

Neglecting duties, work, or studies due to regular usage.

Social Withdrawal

 Preferring to be alone or with fellow users, avoiding social gatherings or family.

Awareness of these symptoms is essential. If you or someone you know exhibits several of these signs, it might be time to consider professional intervention.

Get Ready to Get Started

If you or someone you know is looking for Marijuana Addiction Treatment, please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call our Philadelphia Rehab today at (267) 440-7205 to learn more about our treatment options.

Marijuana Treatment at UNISON Rehab: Comprehensive Care in Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia’s UNISON Rehab has established itself as a bastion of hope for individuals grappling with marijuana addiction. We understand that overcoming addiction is a multifaceted journey, one that requires specialized care, dedication, and a compassionate touch. Our approach is rooted in both science and empathy, ensuring that residents of Philadelphia and the broader Pennsylvania region have access to top-tier marijuana treatment options. Here’s a detailed look into what we offer:

Philadelphia’s UNISON Rehab takes pride in being a beacon of light in the challenging journey of overcoming marijuana addiction. With our patient-centric approach and state-of-the-art facilities, we stand as a testament to what comprehensive, compassionate care can achieve.

Marijuana Treatment at UNISON Rehab: Comprehensive Care in Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia’s UNISON Rehab has established itself as a bastion of hope for individuals grappling with marijuana addiction. We understand that overcoming addiction is a multifaceted journey, one that requires specialized care, dedication, and a compassionate touch. Our approach is rooted in both science and empathy, ensuring that residents of Philadelphia and the broader Pennsylvania region have access to top-tier marijuana treatment options. Here’s a detailed look into what we offer:

Detoxification is the initial step in our treatment process. At UNISON Rehab, we offer a serene and medically supervised environment for this crucial phase. With a team of experienced medical professionals, we ensure that the process of eliminating THC and other marijuana residues from the body is safe, effective, and as comfortable as possible for the patient. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent treatments.

Our inpatient facility is more than just a treatment center; it’s a sanctuary. Here, patients can immerse themselves in a structured environment, away from triggers and temptations. With round-the-clock care, interactive therapy sessions, group discussions, and recreational activities, we focus on holistic healing. Our inpatient treatment is designed keeping in mind the unique cultural and socio-economic dynamics of southeastern PA.

We understand that life’s responsibilities don’t stop. For those who require flexibility, our outpatient treatment offers the same high-quality care but with the convenience to return home after sessions. It’s perfect for individuals who are deeply rooted in their Philadelphia communities and wish to undergo treatment without significant disruptions to their daily routines.

Addiction isn’t just physical; it’s deeply psychological. Our behavioral interventions address the underlying causes of addiction, focusing on changing harmful patterns and cultivating positive behaviors. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and other advanced techniques, we guide patients toward sustainable recovery.

Sometimes, therapy alone isn’t enough. At UNISON Rehab, we combine the benefits of medication with therapy, ensuring that patients have all the tools they need to combat cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Our MAT is administered under strict medical supervision, ensuring safety and efficacy.

Recovery doesn’t end once the initial treatment phases are over. At UNISON Rehab, we’re deeply committed to our patients’ long-term well-being. Our aftercare programs include ongoing therapy sessions, group meetings, and skill-building workshops. Additionally, our relapse prevention strategies are tailor-made to empower patients, equipping them with techniques to identify triggers and cope without reverting to drug use.

how it works

UNISON Rehab’s Marijuana Addiction Treatment Process

Assessment & Planning for Marijuana Abuse

We start with a thorough evaluation to understand the depth of addiction and tailor a rehab plan specific to the patient’s needs in the Pennsylvania context.

Marijuana Detox

At our Philadelphia center, we provide a comfortable environment where patients can safely eliminate the drug from their system, overseen by our expert medical staff.

Intensive Therapy to Treat Marijuana Addiction

Focusing on the root causes and triggers, our therapy sessions in southeastern PA equip patients with tools to combat addiction and lead a drug-free life.

Assessment & Planning for Marijuana Abuse

We start with a thorough evaluation to understand the depth of addiction and tailor a rehab plan specific to the patient’s needs in the Pennsylvania context.

Marijuana Detox

At our Philadelphia center, we provide a comfortable environment where patients can safely eliminate the drug from their system, overseen by our expert medical staff.

Intensive Therapy to Treat Marijuana Addiction

Focusing on the root causes and triggers, our therapy sessions in southeastern PA equip patients with tools to combat addiction and lead a drug-free life.

therapy session

Choose UNISON Rehab: Your Path to Recovery in Philadelphia, PA

For those searching for the best marijuana treatment in Philadelphia, PA, and its surrounding regions, UNISON Rehab stands unmatched. With an extensive portfolio of success stories and a team dedicated to your recovery, we’re not just a center, but a community. Embrace a brighter, drug-free future with the best in the business. Don’t wait, call or schedule a consultation with us today and make the first step towards a life of sobriety.

Frequently Asked Questions

At UNISON Rehab, we treat marijuana addiction alongside other drug and alcohol addictions. We also address Dual Diagnosis conditions associated with marijuana use, which include:

  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Abuse and Addiction
  • Addiction and ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder and Addiction
  • Catatonic Schizophrenia and Addiction
  • Depression
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Addiction
  • PTSD and Addiction
  • Schizophrenia and Addiction
  • Trauma and Addiction

Additionally, we address substance abuse concerning:

The medical detox for marijuana at UNISON Rehab typically spans 4-5 days. Our dedicated medical team closely monitors and comprehensively supports patients during this critical phase.
The standard duration for residential marijuana treatment at UNISON Rehab is 27 days. However, this can vary based on individual requirements and addiction severity.

No, UNISON Rehab is not restricted to the LGBTQ+ community. While we do have specialized treatments tailored for LGBTQ+ patients, we welcome everyone seeking recovery and assistance.

Many of our marijuana addiction treatment programs are covered by insurance. Coverage specifics may vary based on your insurance plan. For details, please contact us at (267) 440-7205. We accept major insurances, including:

  • Blue Cross
  • Humana
  • Aetna
  • Magellan
  • Tricare
  • Anthem
  • Cigna
  • Allied Trades

At UNISON Rehab, therapeutic modalities for marijuana addiction include individual, group, and family therapy sessions. Additionally, we offer behavioral therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, and specialized treatments like EMDR.

Our aftercare program for marijuana rehab patients encompasses PHP, IOP, OP, and Sober Living. We emphasize a smooth transition from intensive therapy to regular life, supported by an expansive aftercare network of primary caregivers, specialists, and more.

With a license for 26 beds, UNISON Rehab ensures an ideal staff-to-client ratio, delivering personalized care and attention during the marijuana addiction treatment phase.

Families are integral to the recovery process. At UNISON Rehab, we conduct family therapy sessions to offer insights into the recovery journey and arm families with tools to be steadfast pillars of support.

Yes, patient confidentiality is of utmost importance at UNISON Rehab. We follow stringent HIPAA guidelines and deploy rigorous security measures, including AES-256 data encryption, 24/7 monitoring, and strict access controls, to safeguard treatment details and personal records.